Friday, August 29, 2008

Conner embarks on the big bad world of Kindergarten

I must say, the first week of Kindergarten has been a bit tough on the big guy. He was so excited to start. It never entered my mind that school would not be fabulous for him. All in all I would say he loves it. At least likes it. He hates to leave. He is sad that he doesn't have any friends. I am sad that kids can be so cruel. Conner is such a sweet hearted, innocent boy. I thought that was a good thing. Sadly he is a little naive. Everyday seems to get just a little bit better for him. He is a very smart little boy. He just needs to figure out how to use that.
We adore him and we love his teacher, Mrs. Broderick.

I will never understand...

I breaks my heart every day to read stories like this, mom leaves infant hot car, mom murders infant, mom microwaves baby? How on earth do thoughts like this even enter the mind? As a mom of two boys, two very busy boys that love to use my every last nerve as a trampoline, I could not even consider such actions. Yet, you hear about this almost every day. My life is no bag of cherries, especially not right now, but it takes so little to love a child.
" starts with a smile, and after a while, a hug and a kiss it takes no more than this, to love a child."

So many people are willing to give love to others, if you aren't willing to love your child then give someone else the chance to.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ahhhhh they grow up.

Tomorrow is the big day. My five year old will walk off into the big big world and never look back. He has no clue if we are sending him to school or if we are sending him off to go work in a sweat house. All he knows is what he knows. We hope as parents the other kids will like him, he won't pee his pants, he won't be the one that makes fun of others or gets made fun of. But as the mom, I have no idea what it is he will take with him to school.
It took me a full 45 minutes this morning to fill out the mountain of paperwork given to me by his teacher on the day we met her for his first assessment. But when I got to the very last page (strategically placed I am sure), I began to sob. And here is why:

The First Day
I gave you a little wink and smile
As you entered my room today
For I know how hard it is to leave
And know your child must stay.
You've been with him for five years now
And have been a loving guide
But now, alas, the time has come
To leave him at my side.
Just know that as you drive away
And tears down your cheek may flow
I'll love him as I would my own
And help him learn and grow.
For as a parent, I too know
How quickly the years do pass
And one day not long ago it was my turn
To take my child to class.
So please put your mind at ease
And cry those tease no more
For I will love him and take him in
When you leave him at my door.

Mrs. Broderick

(poem written by Jamie Solley)

So tomorrow off he will go. Am I ready? No way. Do I need to push him out of the nest. Yes, you betcha!
Good luck my baby boy! I love you!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Finger Painting goes Awry!!!!!

Ok, so I set up poster paper and grabbed the finger paints and giant stamps. The day was gorgeous. Let's take off our shoes and socks and finger paint, stamp and have some fun!!!
Now, I could tell those boys were just itchin' to get paint on mom. I did have on a white shirt and they certainly know better. So........ I threw the first paint and oooooh boy what fun we had. Talk about crazy pain flying everywhere. It was a blast. When it was over, I stripped them down and hosed them off then off to the showers. Ahhhhhhh, summer fun.

Evan's First Day at Preschool

What a special day for such a special boy. He did great! Kids all around him were screaming bloody murder and having to be peeled from their parents. Not Evan. He dropped my hand and said, "See ya, mom". In the door he went and I did not see him again. For a moment I felt a bit slighted, but he is growing up. He loves Mrs. Butterfield. Sadly, school is not often enough or long enough for him. He wants more.

This mommy needs a life....

I was recently part of a mom pal exchange and part of her gift I made note cards for her. I love them, but dang... I need to find a job soon

Monday, August 11, 2008

Parental Lesson 56,764.32b

Never give your children toy instrument recorders, despite them being identical is form, color and pitch.


They will argue over who can play the loudest and longest

and then....

truly it is the parents who suffer

and in this case that is me.

I hear my bathtub calling my name and my friends White wine and Vicodin are there too........
Follow the light..... yes... yes... follow the light........
Oh wait.... Xanax is making it a race. RUN RUN RUN

So pleasant so beautiful I can see it... I can smell the lavendar......
sweet sweet ...

GOD DAMMIT who left a SpiderMan on the stairs for mommy to fall on???
UGH QUIET !! Don't blow those so loud.
You are giving mom a headache!!!
Yes I love you both soooo much but you are KILLING MOMMY

Please please someone hire me...